Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Systemic Coach

Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Systemic Coach


May 11, 2011 Mission possible? Optimization of ‘Others’ in the Context of Missionary Strategies of Persuasion

In a series of publication projects I focus on the question of how optimization and standardization of ‘others’ and foreigners…

April 11, 2011 Migration and Religious Diversity in Public Space

This unique exhibition project (co-authored with Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, Ruhr University of Bochum) combines science, religion, and fine arts took place…

February 14, 2009 Acting as Missionaries: The religious Self in Intercultural Practice

Telling stories about ourselves becomes an integral part of our lives quite early. Individuals remember and anticipate their lives, they…

October 3, 2007 Mission in intercultural Practice

Although the Christian religion has at all times been and is still connected with a predefined missionary assignment, the experiences…