Problem-based Learning in Higher Education: Implications for Theory-Practice-Transfer

Problem-based Learning in Higher Education: Implications for Theory-Practice-Transfer

This talk not only presents initial findings of the qualitative-empirical social research process accompanying the crowdfunding course, but also leads a discussion and reflection of sustainable frameworks for good teaching practices, management didactics in higher education and the achievement of teaching and learning goals of service learning at the level of the learner, study program and university (micro, meso and macro levels).

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Quo Vadis? – Leadership and Organisation

Quo Vadis? – Leadership and Organisation

Leadership is a dazzling term and theoretically and practically not so easy to pin down. Anyone who deals with leadership from a scientific point of view has to reflect on three discourses and their contradictions: the scientific discourse, the discourse of practice and the socio-cultural discourse.

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Leading Change in Human Service Organisations in the 21st Century

Leading Change in Human Service Organisations in the 21st Century

The aim of this paper is to outline the core ideas of the Adaptive Leadership model and to focus on how HSOs can adapt to changing environments in society and evolve into engaging, dynamic, and mobilising institutions. Furthermore, this paper will discuss what competencies leaders in such institutions need to possess to successfully lead changes.

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Leadership and Organization

Leadership and Organization

The edited volume approaches the phenomenon of leadership in organizations at different levels and identifies various discursive strands that have emerged during the 6th Congress «Leadership in Social and Healthcare Organizations: New Thinking and Organizational Models» of the International Association for Social Economy / Social Management (INAS) in March 2018.

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Budgeting in Human Service Organizations

Budgeting in Human Service Organizations

A budget represents a plan of current and expected incomes and expenses, costs and services, ordered by operating units and dates, and is usually monitored by the management on a regular basis. This article describes how Human Service Organizations use different budgeting techniques and, furthermore, shows which aspects have to be considered in the implementation of budgets in such organizations.

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Financial Accounting in Human Service Organizations

Financial Accounting in Human Service Organizations

Corporate accounting serves as a systematic collection, administration, and evaluation of quantifiable (monetary and non-monetary) data and information with the aim of planning, reporting, and controlling the profitability of an organization. This essay describes the fundamentals of financial accounting and their practice in Human Service Organizations.

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Performance-oriented Pay in Human Service Organizations

Performance-oriented Pay in Human Service Organizations

Performance-oriented compensation (also referred to as “pay(-ment)”) is a direct or indirect remuneration or variable salary component paid to employees depending on their performance and capacity (“pay per performance”). Additional to other incentive systems or schemes, performance-oriented pay is primarily designed to increase the motivation and performance of professionals and managers, and thus also the productivity and effectiveness of the whole organisation.

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New Article Published: Research on Religious Missions in Cultural Psychology

New Article Published: Research on Religious Missions in Cultural Psychology

Mission (lat. missio) stands for sending members of a religious group or organization to spread their faith. This article provides the reader with a short overview about the current state of art in cultural psychological research.

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Development of a ­Diaconal Profile – A Workbook

Development of a ­Diaconal Profile – A Workbook

This workbook aims at helping diaconal organisations to develop their own diaconal profile. The book is premised on the idea that the development of a diaconal profile is a process that takes place in a mutual dialogue.

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Dr. Maik Arnold is Professor for Non-Profit-Management and Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Transfer at University of Applied Science Dresden.