Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach

Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach


April 18, 2018 Descartes thinks that body and mind are separate entities: Why is this still important?

Descartes is considered by many as the most influential thinker of the early modern era. He came up with the aspect of accepting as true only what is indubitable in order to analyse the external world and ‘the existence of God‘, famously exemplified in his Meditations on First Philosophy.

March 2, 2018 What to Do when you Can’t Answer a Student’s Question? An Essay about Being Productively Stupid

Human beings are not perfect, nor does every individual possess knowledge of all domains. The same is the case for teachers. Nearly every teacher has experienced it at some time or other: You receive a tricky or unexpected question from a student which you cannot instantly answer. 

January 8, 2016 Experience in Cross-Cultural Training Research

The main objective of this article is to determine the threefold relationship between intercultural training research and professional training practice from three perspectives based on a positioning of the concept of experience in the context of social and cultural studies.

September 28, 2015 Missionary Self-Perception and Meaning-Making in Cross-Cultural Mission

The purpose of this article is to outline the missionary self-perception that is mediated in meaningful stories about activities and experiences of Protestants while serving as missionaries abroad.