Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach

Dr Maik Arnold, FRSA



Intercultural Trainer

Systemic Coach

GATE:VET Using GAmification in Teaching at VET schools

  • Project team: Prof. Dr. Maik Arnold, Dr. Helge Fischer, Josefin Müller
  • Funding: Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (KA2)
  • Partners: Akademie für Berufliche Bildung gGmbH (Project Management), Coventry University (UK), VUC Storström (DK), Colegiul National Nicu Gane (RO), Manzavsion (FR)
  • Duration: September 2019 to December 2021
  • Grant: EUR 31,840

The main objective of the project is to create a qualification and communication platform to simplify the use of game elements in the classroom of VET. The results of the project will therefore consist of an initial content collection of best practice cases provided on the platform. In order to be able to use these in a simple way and to expand them continuously, the platform will be designed in such a way that it is very easy to use and requires very little training. From the point of view of the project consortium, ease of use represents a central barrier for teachers, as they have relatively little time for preparation. By establishing an online community for Game-Based Learning in VET schools.

Project Websitehttps://www.gate-vet.eu

Project Summary:  https://www.fh-dresden.eu/de/forschung/forschungsprojekte/gate-vet/