Between Illusion and Authenticity in the Integration Debate: A Critical Reflection of the German Debate on Integration, Language, and Migration

Without reproducing the whole controversy on issues like integration, language, and migration in the German host society in the paper different factors that influence the process of social integration of immigrants are examined. The presented results are based on a qualitative, interpretive analysis of an experts’ panel discussion that was conducted at the conference “Language and Integration: Concepts, Politics, and Jurisdiction, held on September 30, 2010 in Duisburg, Germany. As can be shown, in the public debate on integration a largely monolithic language-centered basic attitude appears to remain prevalent. Moreover, this analysis of the panel discussion unveils several discourse strategies, arguments, and priority areas. Nevertheless, in the German integration debate seems to remain unchanged a considerable gap between illusion and authenticity.
Arnold, M. & Frazzetto, A. (2011, in press). Zwischen Schein und Sein in der Integrationsdebatte: Eine kritische Reflexion zur deutschen Debatte über Integration, Sprache und Migration [Between Illusion and Authenticity in the Integration Debate: A Critical Reflection of the German Debate on Integration, Language, and Migration]. In E. Dick, A. Frazzetto & A. Kirsch (Eds.), Sprache und Integration: Begriffe, Politik, Recht.