The ‘Optimization of the Humane’ and its Knowledge Requirements for a Methodical and Systematic Analysis: A Criteria Matrix for the Discussion of Optimization Programs

This paper focuses on the scientifically or technologically based program of the ‘Optimization of the Humane’ which can be best understood as a purposeful intervention in human life in order to enhance physical characteristics and personal-psychic disposition. Our investigation of the logics of human enhancement pursues two objectives: on the one hand, we will outline a description and critical review of the objectives and implications of different form of human self-design and desired alterations and enhancements of others. On the other hand, a criteria matrix will be developed which is based on the “Logical Propaedeutic” of Wilhelm Kamlah and Paul Lorenzen and which provides a basis for the methodical and systematic discussion of various optimization programs.
Arnold, M. & Bittner, U. (2011, manuscript). Das Programm der ‚Optimierung des Humanen’ und seine Wissensvoraussetzungen für eine methodisch-systematische Analyse: Kriterienraster zur Diskussion von Optimierungsprogrammen [The ‘Optimization of the Humane’ and its Knowledge Requirements for a Methodical and Systematic Analysis: A Criteria Matrix for the Discussion of Optimization Programs]. Ruhr-University Bochum.