Playing Culture in Intercultural Trainings and the Role of Simulation Games

Playing Culture in Intercultural Trainings and the Role of Simulation Games

Games are not only an integral part of our everyday routine from the early days of our life, but they are also regarded as an effective teaching method in (higher) education. Previous research has shown that business or simulation games in the classroom support problem-based learning.

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Descartes thinks that body and mind are separate entities: Why is this still important?

Descartes thinks that body and mind are separate entities: Why is this still important?

Descartes is considered by many as the most influential thinker of the early modern era. He came up with the aspect of accepting as true only what is indubitable in order to analyse the external world and ‘the existence of God‘, famously exemplified in his Meditations on First Philosophy.

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What to Do when you Can’t Answer a Student’s Question? An Essay about Being Productively Stupid

What to Do when you Can’t Answer a Student’s Question? An Essay about Being Productively Stupid

Human beings are not perfect, nor does every individual possess knowledge of all domains. The same is the case for teachers. Nearly every teacher has experienced it at some time or other: You receive a tricky or unexpected question from a student which you cannot instantly answer. 

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Management in the Nutshell: Xenophon’s Oeconomicus

Management in the Nutshell: Xenophon’s Oeconomicus

Xenophon who is referred to as one of the major sources of Socrates’ life and works presents in his Oeconomicus an investigation into the genre of household management and agriculture. The Oeconomicus is often treated as one of the earliest sources of economics.

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Development of a ­Diaconal Profile – A Workbook

Development of a ­Diaconal Profile – A Workbook

This workbook aims at helping diaconal organisations to develop their own diaconal profile. The book is premised on the idea that the development of a diaconal profile is a process that takes place in a mutual dialogue.

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Intercultural Competence at the University of Cooperative Education in Saxony

Intercultural Competence at the University of Cooperative Education in Saxony


As part of the boundary-crossing transformations in the education sector forced by the Bologna Reform and increased needs for (re-) accreditation intercultural communication and competence has become an acute issue for the development of study programmes at the University of Cooperative Education in Saxony (Berufsakademie Sachsen). Within the tertiary education sector this academic institution awards Bachelor of Arts degrees, mainly in the field of economics, engineering and social work and with high relevance for professional practice (so-called dual training). An “Additional Qualification of Intercultural Competence” will from now on contribute to the improvement of quality in teaching and learning along with an implementation of a transferable study module at all campuses of the university. After successful evaluation at the campus Breitenbrunn the mentioned qualification will eventually be implemented at six campuses of the University of Cooperative Education.
Intercultural competence is an integral learning item and objective in the curriculum. After successful completion of the programme students are enabled to understand, reflect and analyse intercultural encounters and cultural differences in perception, thinking, feeling, judgement, action, etc. with regard to their own and other cultures. The module imparts to students not only profound knowledge of other cultures, countries and living and working conditions, but also provides training for various occupational situations, especially such of uncertainty, stress or conflict. Last but no least, students are enabled to apply cultural knowledge to complex issues in professional practice and to link such knowledge with other academic fields and disciplines.


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Philosophical, Psychological and Experiential Aspects of the Visualization of the Unborn via Ultrasound

Philosophical, Psychological and Experiential Aspects of the Visualization of the Unborn via Ultrasound

exc-5a23fbb5343a9bd737479de8 The visualization of the unborn via ultrasound has become a normal procedure in pregnancy. Since the mid of the 20th century imagining techniques in medicine made it possible to…

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New book: Europe and America in the Mirror – Culture, Economy, and History

New book: Europe and America in the Mirror – Culture, Economy, and History

This volume collects together a set of papers which stem from three preliminary activities: Firstly, the idea to create this volume was initiated by the “Identity, Migration and International Relations:…

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Dr. Maik Arnold is Professor for Non-Profit-Management and Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Transfer at University of Applied Science Dresden.