Migration and Religious Diversity in Public Space

Migration and Religious Diversity in Public Space


This unique exhibition project (co-authored with Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, Ruhr University of Bochum) combines science, religion, and fine arts took place on September 16-17, 2011 in Essen, Germany, and was funded by the fellowship program of the Global Young Faculty (Stiftung Mercator, Essen).
Abstract: Making visible religious diversity and plurality in the immigration country Germany and highlighting the connective resources and potentials of religion, these have been the principle object of the exhibition and art project ‘Sondernutzung – Religious Diversity in the Public Sphere.’ The project addressed the question of how the perception of religious diversity does change when different religious groups were relegated for a moment from the ‘margins’ of our cities’ backyards and neighborhood communities, business parks and industrial area to the urban centers in the Metropolis Ruhr. An ‘interfaith pavilion’ was at the heart of a temporary exhibition that took place in the inner city of Essen, Germany, on September 16-17, 2010. A menacing-looking barbed wire fence surrounded a high tower constructed of bright and yellow concrete-timber panels with six square meters of area. The interior of the pavilion invited visitors to contemplate, rest, and tranquilize. On the inner surfaces, the visitors could post and share their impressions and experiences of religious diversity as well as their opinions about religion, posterity, etc. The space between the fence and the pavilion created an exhibition platform for the presentation of multimedia based student research projects. The exhibition served both to raise the awareness of ‘hidden’ aspects of religious diversity in familiar surroundings and to stimulate discussions about religious traditions of immigrants and minorities and their public validity claims. Finally, a ten-minute documentary recorded the reactions to exhibition and art project.


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Religious Self and Identity of German Protestant Missionaries

Religious Self and Identity of German Protestant Missionaries

It seems obvious that the Christian religion is intrinsically intertwined with the missionary assignment and that the gradual and strategic alterations of the others initiated by missionaries are based on…

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Acting as Missionaries: The religious Self in Intercultural Practice

Acting as Missionaries: The religious Self in Intercultural Practice


Telling stories about ourselves becomes an integral part of our lives quite early. Individuals remember and anticipate their lives, they present and flesh out their selves in stories. These stories deal with the past, the present, and the future, with experiences and hopes, past sufferings and wished-for happiness, real events and things imagined. They recapitulate and assess what was and what is, they imagine what could and what should be. Rational reconstruction and analysis go hand in hand with emotional turmoil and complex evaluations in which thought and emotion, conscious decisions and subconscious relations form a strong liaison. However, this paper presents the analysis and results of an empirical investigation into this matter.These papers focus on how young Protestant believers thematize their own lifes and themselves in the mode of story-telling. Particular interest is given to the psychologically relevant functions of story-telling. (1). It is dealt with narrative biographies to explain and analyze the meanings of actions of thus who are doing missionary work, following a tradition influenced by the symbolic action theory and cultural psychology (2). Because “mission” can mean very different things, furthermore, the concept and reality of mission (3) shows in a culturally diverse world as ours – liberated, pluralized, and open to very individualistic life-styles – an ambiguous picture of the existence and development of religions and worldviews. Thereafter, first, rather tentative results of an empirical research are presented (4). Attention is given to some possible meanings of experiences and actions, the practices and symbolic representations of those who are doing missionary work within intercultural contexts and how important their experiences, hopes etc. are for their life stories and their selves. The paper ends with a discussion about the relationship between thus activities in question and the concept of “intercultural competence” (5).


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Qualitative Methods and Methodology in Evaluation Research

Qualitative Methods and Methodology in Evaluation Research

exc-5a23fbb0343a9bd737479ca8 The variety of methods and methodological strategies of how evaluation research had to be pursued has dramatically changed in the mid 1990s and has established a new qualitative-interpretive methodological…

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Dr. Maik Arnold is Professor for Non-Profit-Management and Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Transfer at University of Applied Science Dresden.